Alice’s Famous "Bloom Better" Iris Fertilizer
A Unique blend of Iris Nutrients containing just the right
amount of Nitrogen to Make your Flowers Bloom Better.
Contains: 3% Nitrogen, 0% Phosphate, 10.9% Sulfer
3.6% Calcium, 4.4% Magnesium
Apply 1 tablespoon around each Iris Plant in Spring after bloom shoots begin to grow.
Water plants right after fertilizing.
Do not apply any other Nitrogen bearing fertilizer at any time, this includes miracle fertilizers.
Packaged by: Hondo Iris Farm, PO Box 166, Hondo, NM 88336 (575) 653 4062:
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Alice's Famous Bloom Better Iris Fertilizer: two one pound bags
Price: $12 plus $5.85 shipping, Shipped Priority Mail
Special Deal: Alice's Famous Bloom Better Iris Fertilizer12.5 pound bag
Price: $37.00 plus $5.85 UPS shipping
Enough for years or for a large bed of Iris, Shipped UPS.